Saturday, October 6, 2012

My new weighted Platypus

The web site Special-ism had a giveaway for Paddy the Weighted Platypus (from The Sensory Gallery) and I won! My platypus came in the mail yesterday. It is very cute and huggable. The weight is not at all like I expected. I thought it would be like a soft brick on my lap, but it is actually more like a purring kitty that doesn't get up and leave, or a firm, gentle hug. It is supposed to increase serotonin, which I definitely need! Right now I have the weighted platypus on my lap and am crocheting a baby blanket for charity and listening to a calming radio station on iheart. BTW, I think crocheting is a good stim/fidget. Pretty relaxing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I like Fiber

I am 18 years old and I have autism. I have been spinning wool since I was 15 and knitting since I was 11. There are several reasons I will list here why I think fiber arts are good for people with autism. 1. Texture. There are a wide variety of fibers: wool, alpaca, angora, mohair, bamboo, etc., and they all feel different. Some are smooth, some are fluffy, and fortunately quite a lot of them are soft, which make for good non-scratchy clothes. Nearly all of them are a fascinating sensory experience. 2. Fidget/stim. Knitting and spinning are both something to keep hands busy. Spinning especially is a pretty good stim that happens to be productive. 3. Visual appeal. Many fibers and yarns are dyed in pretty/interesting colors and have interesting textures. This = fun. That's all I can think of right now, but maybe someone else can think of others?